The Covid-19 Storm/Heroes and Heroines Walk Among us/Accepting the Call to Adventure

Sadly, it’s true. The coronavirus storm has reached the shores of America.

The call to adventure, as detailed in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, has been issued throughout our country and countless people are embarking on their “heroes/heroines journey. You are amazing human beings and I salute you! Each and every one of you!

As many of you know, my husband, known as “the hubster” to me, is an ER doctor who is currently working on the frontlines for us in the Northeast.

So basically, I’m forced into the role of “heroine by proxy” just because we live together.

I’m out.

“Don’t you think it’s time to retire?” I ask the hubster. “Because …

It’s my moral obligation,” he says. “You understand this. You’re a retired nurse.”

“I do, but …”

“Once a nurse, always a nurse. Isn’t that what you always say?” he asks.

“I was going to say what I understand is …

“Be brave,” he says.

“Be bold,” he says.

“Like Katniss Everdeen!” (The hubster knows who Katniss Everdeen is, and he’s using her against me????? The nerve)!

He smiles and says, “Woman, I need you to …

“But, seriously …

“Come on,” he says.

“Fine,” I concede.

“After nearly forty years together, ” he says. “We’re a package deal.”

I ponder the package deal statement for a moment before getting on board with it. “I guess we are a pair,” I say. “Just like Jon Snow…”

“You think, Captain Obvious?”

“and Daenerys Stormborn.”

“I would burn that coronavirus so hard if I had a dragon!”
“Nahhhh!” he says, shaking his head.

“Not a great example. Remember how that show ended?” he says.

“Yikes! Not good!”

“Then Wonderwoman ….”

“I’ll rid this house of any coronavirus you bring home!”

“and Superman.”

“Yeah. No.”

“I was thinking more like Lois and Clark. You know, you being a writer now.”

“Lois and Clark it is!” (We certainly argue like Lois and Clark did in their series).

So my fellow Americans, (Ooooh. Don’t I suddenly sound presidential)? from the lips of one very reluctant heroine, we will get through this together, and we will be patient and brave! We will weather this storm. We will pray for each other, and we will get through this insanity together! We will stay positive. We will be kind, and generous to one another, and we will try to protect each other by doing our part and staying home. Above all else, we will always be grateful for the heroes and heroines that walk among us. Our angels in disguise.

God Bless you, friends, and remember …